2019 O’Mullane Prize Winner: Aoibheann Wall
The O’Mullane prize is awarded annually to an individual who…
The O’Mullane prize is awarded annually to an individual who…
Filling in the gaps: What dentists need to know about…
Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD and Minister for Employment Affairs and Social Protection, Regina Doherty TD have today published Smile agus Sláinte, the new National Oral Health Policy.
The plan will see the service evolve from a “diagnose and treat” to a person-centred, proactive and preventative approach available locally, in line with the vision as set out under Sláintecare.
Under the Policy, all children up to 16 years will receive (more…)
Take care of your oral health to protect your mouth and body.
It’s never too early or too late to start looking after your oral health.
Act today to keep a healthy mouth through life: (more…)
Former ISDC commitee member, Professor Anne O’Connell has been elected…
The idea to make February ‘Fizz Free’ began in the London Borough of Southwark in 2018. The concept was simple: encourage families to take a few weeks without reaching for a can of pop.
Prevention matters to dentists, because we see the damage these drinks do every day. The sugar they are packed full of is a big contributor to the problem of obesity. But it is the single main cause of tooth decay.
Fizzy drinks are the largest single source of sugar for children aged 11-18. And the decay they fuel is what impacts on school readiness, confidence, and future employability. (more…)